Studies have shown that the lack of adequate proper fitting sneakers that children wear can be a disadvantage to them and a visible sign of poverty that creates a negative impact to their peer-acceptance and academic/ physical performance. Children who wear worn out or ill-fitting off-brand sneakers are often ignored, teased, bullied, and even victimized, in schools and on the playground. Studies show that children who experience these circumstances develop frustration, low self-esteem, depression, anger, and violence. Consequently, studies also show that proper fitting sneakers can have a positive impact on the lives of many children’s peer-acceptance and overall physical and academic performance.
To qualify, applicants must be referred by a school, agency, or Kicks for Kids Partner. They must be between the ages of 3 and 17; their total household income must be equal to or less than federal poverty guidelines; they must complete an application and interview and must enroll in one of the below programs. Other factors considered for services include academic performance, school behavior,family environment, neighborhood environment, community involvement, ongoing poverty risk, and child factors.
To apply you may download the application by clicking the top link "Application Form" (for the parent to complete). Return paper applications to Kicks for Kids, 237 Ivy CourtOrange NJ, 07050 or email them to
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